
BDA week of learning

Bowls Development Alliance

The team are relaunching our Week of Learning on the 16th October. 

We are working in conjunction with Club Matters to run workshops on Club Finances, whilst the BDA Team will be delivering workshops on an Introduction to Safeguarding as well as an overview of our Club Health Checker.

Dates and times for the upcoming workshops can be found below and more information about each workshop as well as the booking link for participants can be found on our education platform:

W/C 16th October 2023

Dealing with Increasing Costs

16th October – 10-11am

17th October – 6-7pm

Raising Money to Sustain your Organisation

18th October – 10-11am

18th October – 6-7pm

Financial Planning – Webinar

19th October – 6-7pm

20th October – 10-11am

Introduction to Safeguarding

18th October – 10-11am

20th October – 10-11am

Club Health Checker

16th October – 6-6:30pm

19th October – 11-11:30am

Following the 16th October, I will be able to confirm the dates and times for the next workshops but please can you pencil in the following dates:

Future Weeks of Learning

January 2024 – w/c 22nd

March 2024 – w/c 11th

May 2024 – w/c 20th

President’s Day

Whilst the weather threatened to spoil the day early on, the sun did come out and the bowling competition and lunch was enjoyed by all. The competition was played as a round robin with the winners and runners up from both groups then playing a semi final.

Semi Finals:

Pat and Keith v Ken and Heather – winners Pat and Keith

Michael and Milly v Glenda and Brian – winners Michael and Milly


Pat and Keith v Michael and Milly – WINNERS Michael and Milly

Summer Evening Soiree – July 29th 2023

Pictures from a very enjoyable evening at the club.

STBC Centenary Pairs Competition

STBC Centenary Pairs Competition

The day was a great success and was almost completed in glorious sunshine.  Unfortunately the rain didn’t hold off and the semi finals and final were played in the pouring rain.  However it didn’t spoil the day and there was some fantastic bowling on show.  From 32 pairs at the beginning of the day the final was played out between Siddal BC and Greenroyd BC.

STBC Centenary Pairs Competition
Winning pair from Siddal BC – Cathy Ness and Brendon Malone either side of Phillip Schofield (President STBC)
Runners Up Ian Freeman and Jasmine White from Greenroyd Bowling Club
A donation of £500 was made to Andy’s Man Club – Phillip Schofield President STBC with Mark Holden Competition Secretary Halifax Bowling League